Nature's Way of Learning
A Veterans Owned Company
Raito 1 teacher to 6 students, with a max of 12 students.
24 months to 3 yrs.
Welcome to our wonderful 2-year-old classroom. This classroom meets better than state required ratios, much like our waddler classroom. Students in this classroom are on the go, go, go. Our toddler classroom follows a daily schedule and spends most of their day learning though hands on education and sensory activities. Students have a routine of learning self-help skills and social emotional skills. This includes arts, circle time, music and movement, counting and SO much more. Busy toddlers thrive in all aspects of life. We will also introduce students to potty training at 2.5 years of age in this classroom. Most students are not ready to be potty trained until the age of 3, so we will take the child’s lead on this.
Toddler Schedule
(Diapers are changed every 2 hours unless needed sooner)
6:30-8:30 Arrival and Free Play
8:30-9:00 AM Snack (school provided)
9:00-9:15 Diapers/ Potty
9:15-9:45 Circle and Story Time
9:45-10:45 Outside/ Gross motor
10:45-11:30 Group Rotations (Arts and Educational)
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-2:30 Diapers/ Rest time
2:30-3:00 PM Snack
3:00-4:30 Outside/ Gross motor
4:30-5:00 Music and Movement/ Diapers
5:00-6:00 Free Play/ Heading Home