Nature's Way of Learning
A Veterans Owned Company
Preschool (2 rooms)
1 teacher to 8 students
Ages: 3-year-olds
Let’s jump more in-depth into education and social emotional development. We have 2 pre-school classrooms that offer the most affective learning and social emotional development possible. With structured activities as well as learning through play. This classroom is so much fun. We spend our day with hands on learning about ourselves, our friends, and our world. Our curriculum is all about social and emotional development as well as educational concepts. We will learn about self-soothing techniques, self-help skills, kindness, respect, and educational subjects. Students will grow leaps and bounds in this room. Pre-School students will not need to be potty trained to attend.
Pre-School One and Pre-School Two Schedule
6:30-8:00 Arrival
8:00-8:30 Gross Motor and Diapers
8:30-9:00 AM Snack
9:00-9:30 Circle and Story Time
9:30-10:00 Art and Sensory
10:00-10:30 Group Rotation (educational)
10:30-11:45 Outside/ Gross motor
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:30 Nap
2:30-3:00 PM Snack
3:00-4:30 Outside/ Gross motor
4:30-5:00 Music and Movement
5:00-6:00 Free Play and Heading Home